Discount type

Discount types allow you to define pricing classifications for Customers (Debtors). Every Debtor created must be assigned a Discount type.

A Discount type is used directly in the calculations of discounts and prices used for items on a Sales quotation, Sales order or Sales invoice for this Debtor via the Discount structure facility.

A Discount type is used to group customers according to their pricing structure. For example, Discount types might include CASH, Trade or Tender. The Discount type is also used in the Discount structure form to give a finer level of discount control.

A Sales quotation and Sales order both require a Discount type to be entered that initially defaults to that of the selected customer. This discount type is then used in the calculation of prices for item on the quote or order.

A Discount type doesn’t have to be related to a Customer type for a Debtor, but it is often the case that they are. The two classifications are not related in any way within the system.