Orientation guide

Accentis Enterprise (pronounced ACK-SEN-TISS) is a Windows-based software system that allows a business to record, process and manage its day-to-day accounting and operational activities. Nearly every single task that staff perform within a business will be related in some way to an action that is performed within Accentis Enterprise to record, report, process or manage those tasks.
The purpose of this guide
The Accentis Enterprise Orientation Guide is your guide to the use and operation of Accentis Enterprise. Everyone who has been given access to Accentis Enterprise should be familiar with how to get the best out if it and, more importantly, how to use it to make your tasks as simple as possible.
This guide will not detail specific functional areas of Accentis Enterprise, but instead provide an overview of how to find your way around the software and how to familiarize yourself with the layout, structure and presentation of the system.
What this guide is NOT for
The Accentis Enterprise Orientation Guide is not a guide about how to use the Microsoft Windows operating system. To be able to use Accentis Enterprise effectively you must already have a sound understanding of Windows’ features and capabilities. For example, by for use Accentis enterprise you should already
- Understand basic windows terminology as title bar, scroll bar, backspace, delete, page up, page down etc.
- Know how to move windows around the desktop and manage their position
- Know how to resize, minimize, maximize and normalize windows
- Know how to use accelerator keys such as ALT-letter combinations and the TAB key

With Accentis Enterprise, you can:
- Perform simple tasks such as receiving money from a customer or making out a purchase order
- Perform complex tasks such as processing your payroll or managing your production line
- Produce simple reports such as a tax invoice, purchase order or delivery docket
- Produce complex reports such as financial statements, production schedules or job costing analyses
- Record tasks, notes and memos relating to customers, suppliers, inventory or any other data records
- Link electronic documents such as spreadsheets, PDFs or images to jobs, employees or any other data records

No. Just because it performs so many functions doesn’t mean that it is hard to use. In fact, most people use software programs already such as Outlook (email), Excel and Word that often require more skills to operate than Accentis Enterprise. Accentis Enterprise is just a tool, not your master, and there are many ways to use the system that will make your daily tasks easier and more efficient.

The kind of tasks you can perform using Accentis Enterprise can be broadly classified into the following areas or modules:
- General ledger
- Accounts receivable
- Accounts payable
- Inventory
- Job costing
- Manufacturing
- Fixed assets
- Payroll
- Human Resources

Here are a few more interesting facts and features of the software you will be using:
- Accentis Enterprise is a multi-user system, which means that many users can be using the system and accessing its data at the same time. Sophisticated record locking ensures that you can’t be changing the same record as someone else at the same time.
- You will have your very own login name and password to access Accentis Enterprise
- Accentis Enterprise allows multiple windows that are not constrained within a main window, so you can spread information across your screen and even be modifying data for separate records at the same time. If you have multiple screens, then you can lay out several forms across two or even three screens
- You can be using and displaying information from completely different modules or sections of Accentis Enterprise at the same time. For example, you can have multiple customer windows open at the same time as a sales invoice, purchase order and stock-take report
- Everyone will be assigned a certain level of permissions that will determine what they are able to see and do within the system
- Everything that people do in the system is recorded so that you can quickly identify who has made changes to certain data records
- Nearly everything you do in Accentis Enterprise can be changed or reversed. That means any mistakes can easily be fixed and any incorrect data can be corrected
- You can configure your own toolbar so that common tasks and reports are just a single click away
- You can change your colours to suit your décor, mood or personality!
- Your environment (all the changes you made to your colours, toolbar and reports) will be available regardless of which PC you use next time
- Accentis Enterprise has context-sensitive help – that means pressing F1 from wherever you are will show help relating to what you are currently doing.