SA4083 - Profit and Loss (selected period range)


This report is one of the most important financial reports within Accentis Enterprise. It allows the user to view as many or as few columns as they need within a selective date range, which means that it can be used for both general budget tracking, as well as for scrutinising figures to find discrepancies.


General ledger > Report > Financial reports > Profit and loss (selected period range), or search directly via Ctrl + Shift + R.

Sample report

Key filters

Report columns: Account details

Report columns: Actual figures

These are the columns that will display based on which options in the Data to display filter have been ticked. These will display regardless of which options are ticked in the Columns to display filter, including when none are selected.

Report columns: Budget comparisons

These are the columns that display when Budget comparisons is ticked in the Columns to display filter and will depend on which options are selected in the Data to display filter.

Report columns: Last year (LY) comparisons

These are the columns that display when Last year (LY) comparisons is ticked in the Columns to display filter and depends on which options are selected in the Data to display filter.

Report columns: Ratio of sales (%S) comparisons

These are the columns that display when Ratio of sales (%S) comparisons is ticked in the Columns to display filter and depends on which options are selected in the Data to display filter. Ratio of sales comparisons are not available for quarterly totals.

Last edit: 08/12/23