Dispatch return

A Dispatch return is the means within the system by which goods or services are returned into stock from a Customer, and is performed in respect of the original Dispatch to that customer.

It is important to use a Dispatch return when goods are brought back instead of modifying the original Dispatch, for the following reasons:

  • You have accurate historical information about the date and means of the delivery and return of goods
  • The system can ensure that the goods are returned into the warehouse at the same cost as when they left
  • You can invoice a Dispatch return as a credit against the original invoice

A Dispatch return can only be performed for some or all of the items on exactly one Dispatch, and is referenced throughout the system by its Dispatch Return # .

The following also holds for Dispatch returns:

  • A Dispatch return is performed for some or all of the Items for exactly one Dispatch
  • A Dispatch return is performed only for the S/O warehouse that is referenced on the original Dispatch
  • You cannot return more Items for a Dispatch return line than were delivered on the original Dispatch
  • You can return fewer Items for a Dispatch return line than the full quantity originally dispatched
  • You can create as many Dispatch returns as you like for a single Dispatch, but the total quantity of goods being returned for any one line across all Dispatch returns cannot exceed the total quantity that was originally dispatched for that line.
  • A Dispatch return cannot be performed where the Dispatch return Date is not within the Extended financial year or where the date is before the Journal lock date