Research & Development (R&D) Software
Research & Development (R&D) software that will audit, report and analyse your business for accreditation, certification and future growth
Research and Development System
Accentis Enterprise will deliver growth, support, reports and vital business statistics for your research and development needs. When running efficiently, your business is streamlining processes and improving job cost allocations, saving you time that can be spent on gaining business grants and other funding sources.
Strong auditing and record keeping databases provide exceptional business analytics that deliver results. Run over 800 different reports on your business with 3500 combinations, plus, we’ll design for you custom reports to deliver your data in a unique report specifically for your business.

R&D Software Solutions
Accentis Enterprise ERP is a single software solution to manage your entire business. Your R&D requirements are catered for across the entire program, delivering data information on all aspects of your business. From Payroll to Time and Attendance, Manufacturing to Customer Sales, Inventory and more.
The power of a fully-integrated solution means the data your need is right at your fingertips whenever you need. Instantly shared R&D data can be used by any other employees, streamlined and efficient, saving your business time and money. Stop struggling with complicated spreadsheets and data duplication.
Accentis Enterprise ERP Features for Research & Development
Accounting & Financials
Your business financial accounts can be split into multiple databases if needed for different business ventures. Support for no end of month roll-overs allowing you to edit past transactions.
Customer Sales & CRM
Record every transaction from each customer, whether a wholesale or retail, or a one-off or a regular supply. Build new relationships with other companies, market competitors, customers and more!
Asset & Maintenance
Easily identify your equipment through photos stored against each record for better evaluation. Monitor and manage asset warranties and information through precise reporting and analysis.
Suppliers & Purchasing
An in-built Supply Chain Management (SCM) facility provides comprehensive shipping and ordering features that will give you the edge over competitors supplying to the same vendor, winning you more deals.
Inventory & Warehousing
Track and manage thousands of raw materials and product purchases across multiple locations and departments. Instantly view reports on current production value through stock across multi-warehouses.
Time & Attendance
Record employee time spent across all company positions, administration and factory floor. Allowances for time spent working on projects are recorded and can be used to work out the true value of items you produce.
Payroll with STP & HR
Human resource management including holidays and time worked in any capacity with our Payroll & HR module, that is fully Single Touch Payroll compliant for small to medium-sized businesses.
Job & Project Management
Research projects and one-off jobs can be allocated staff time and budgets for overall budget management. Seamless integration with both Payroll and Time Clock give instant budget accountability.
Manufacture, MRP & Producing
Every product is tracked and managed regardless of micro-electronics or large-scale projects involving many people. Full Work in Progress reporting with financial costing attributes on every job.
Your chance to connect and view data with ease, direct from your own database! Powerful web-service gateway for third-party solutions to read/write the data you need.
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Click here to get more information and see how you can start to beat your competition through better a business management solution!
Reporting & Analysis
Over 800 standard reports available ready to manage your business and all the data you produce, plus… Accentis Enterprise offers advanced custom reports as needed!
Download The Accentis Enterprise Brochure Now
Download the Accentis Enterprise brochure and see what small business owners are doing to improve their business. Accentis Enterprise is the solution that every SMB/SME needs to stay ahead of the pack!