Aussie Time Sheets & Accentis Enterprise
Accentis Enterprise is now integrated with Aussie Time Sheets to offer exceptional time clock recording
Software & Hardware Integration
Aussie Time Sheets offer simple and effective time and attendance systems for businesses of any size. If your business has employees, then you need a time and attendance system. But only the right system will save you both time and money.
Collecting time records is made easy with our time clock systems. Traditional Bundy Clocks, Fingerprint Clocks, Swipe Cards, Face Scan Clocks and now Phone apps and Web Clocking, we have the right solution to meet your time recording needs.
Aussie Time Sheets Hardware
Accentis Enterprise is excited to be working closely with Aussie Time Sheets to provide a software and hardware solution for time and attendance businesses across a wide range of industries.
With multiple hardware models available to be used in almost any environment, you can be satisfied that a solution for your business is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Accentis Enterprise gives you the power to manage time, and now we offer exceptional hardware to match.

Aussie Time Sheets Face Scan Time Clock
- 2.8” Colour Screen
- Clock on using Face Scan, Proximity Card/Tag or Pincode
- Takes under 1 second to clock on for work
- Transfer data to PC over WiFi, Ethernet or USB drive (included)
- Store 1500 face templates
- 12v power supply included
- External Bell Relay inbuilt, connect bell to signal work/break times
- Transfer data to Accentis Enterprise
- More information
Aussie Time Sheets Fingerprint Scan Time Clock
- 2.8” Colour Screen
- Store up to 3000 fingerprints
- Clock on using Fingerprint, Proximity Card/Tag or Pin-Code
- Takes under 2 seconds to clock on for work
- Transfer data to PC over WiFi, Ethernet or USB drive (included)
- 5v power supply included
- External Bell Relay inbuilt, connect bell to signal work/break times
- Transfer data to Accentis Enterprise
- More information
Aussie Time Sheets Proximity Card Time Clock
- 3.0’’ Colour Screen
- Clock on using Proximity Card, Key-Tag or Pin-Code
- Store 10,000 proximity cards
- Takes under 2 seconds to clock on for work
- Transfer data to PC over WiFi, Ethernet or USB drive (included)
- 5v power supply included
- External Bell Relay inbuilt, connect bell to signal work/break times
- Transfer data to Accentis Enterprise
- More information
Time and Attendance Technology
Developed for Australian businesses, Aussie Time Sheets helps to automate all employee time sheets with ease. The information is recorded and stored until required, and then can be exported to Accentis Enterprise for a complete end-to-end solution for time and attendance.
Save your business time and again with a wide selection of tools. Our range includes ATS Basic, ATS Premier and ATS Workforce TNA to offer a complete solutions for any business. Using Aussie Time Sheets in conjunction with our Accounts & Financial or Payroll (inc. STP) module offers an all-round package.
Download The Brochure
Download the Aussie Time Sheets brochure! It features all the hardware available that integrates with Accentis Enterprise ERP. Popwerful software and hardware for use with the time and attendance module.
Hear From One Of Our Customers using Aussie Time Sheets
We’ve been using Accentis Enterprise and Aussie Time Sheets in conjunction since June 2018 and we haven’t looked back!
As a company that employees around 60 staff at any one time, payroll used to be a headache that required us to have a staff member looking after it for up to 5 hours every pay day.
After using Accentis Enterprise and Aussie Time Sheets together, we’ve cut that process down to 1 hour, and it’s easier than ever for all staff to use.
Using the ATS Face Scan Time Clock System has enable us to do away with many time consuming procedures that in all honesty, annoyed all staff members.
We no longer need bundy clocks or someone to collect them and then calculate the hours worked with any allowable overtime.
ATS Face Clock has enabled all wage calculations have been accurate and fast, totalling worked hours plus overtime and then transferring directly into Accentis Enterprise, whereas before the manual process required supervisors and labels and too many areas for confusion and mistakes.
Timesheets for labour hire staff are created electronically and can be emailed direct to the labour hire companies, further saving us time and money.
I would have no hesitation in recommending Accentis Enterprise and Aussie Time Sheets to any business that is still using out-dated bundy clocks without business management software.
Not only have we saved money overall by implementing these changes, but the company morale has improved because it is a less-troublesome task for every staff member to simply start and finish their day.
Oh, I forgot to mention too, with the requirements for Single Touch Payroll (STP) starting for us in July 2018, being able to alleviate any headaches and having a stress-free payroll process has really made the change-over something we could never live without.