Ozedi STP & Accentis Enterprise
Single Touch Payroll (STP) Transport Provider
Ozedi & Single Touch Payroll
Find all the information you need to use Accentis and Ozedi for your Single Touch Payroll needs right here. We have a complete User Guide available on Single Touch Payroll available here.
You must register and pay for an account with one transport provider to use STP. Accentis does not charge you to send STP information.
* You will only require 1 Client ID
Already registered?

Ozedi API Interface
Ozedi is a revolutionary electronic document hub that securely exchanges business documents between suppliers and clients of businesses, government departments and superannuation funds, in fact anyone with an ABN.
Think of Ozedi as an electronic registered post facility that costs a fraction of paper-based methods.
Ozedi – Single Touch Payroll
We have been in production since 10th May 2018
- Digital Software Providers have successfully submitted data to the ATO for Product Verification Testing
- Dozens more DSPs scheduled for PVT
- Tens of thousands of employers contracted to use Ozedi for Single Touch Payroll
- Estimates are that Ozedi will be processing between 3 and 4 million employees data every month