Single Touch Payroll is now Live!

Single Touch Payroll (STP) is Live! There’s not much chance that you’ve missed out on hearing about Single Touch Payroll or STP in the last couple of months. Single Touch Payroll in Australia is now well and truly running along rather smoothly, despite a lot of people...

Happy New Year 2018!

Welcome everyone to 2018! What a year it should be with all new features released and amazing new information shared with you all. Did you make any resolutions? If you did, will you stick to them? Whatever you choose to do, or not do, do it with conviction....

Welcome to our shiny new blog!

It’s nearly 2018, and in the spirit of trying to fit as much into 2017 as possible, we now have a new blog that we can call our own! Our blog is going to be a communication tool on many subjects and cover a broad range of topics related to Accentis. We’re only in the...