A Message To Our Network
Accentis would like to extend our deepest thoughts to everyone affected by COVID-19. Our customer network covers many different industries and businesses throughout the world. Due to this Coronavirus, many of our customers have been impacted in different ways.
These unprecedented times show us that no matter your location, age, race, ethnicity or workforce are all susceptible. We’ve seen changes made in businesses for the health of workers, their families and the general public.
Accentis is committed to the safety, well-being and health of not only our employees, but also to the support of our customers. Our plan, while relatively simple and similar to other businesses, is to help you to continue to do business.
The Australian Government has implemented extreme social distancing measures and travel restrictions. Each state of Australia has also introduced additional restrictions and mandatory closures. It’s a tough time to be in business, and to be an employee.
Our COVID-19 Response
Due to the current concerns around COVID-19, we have implemented the following safety precautions for Accentis employees and visitors to our premises:
- Currently, Accentis will remain trading, with employees attending as per normal. Our offices are separate rooms with large partitions and over 1.5m of space between working desks
- Any employee that is unwell or has come into contact with anyone suspected of being sick has been advised to stay at home and isolate themselves
- Our employees will not be doing any on-site work with clients until further notice
- Training sessions and demonstrations can all be performed online with remote guidance
- We are currently not allowing visitors to come to our offices for any reason
To be able to continue to do business, Accentis is well equipped to ensure we can meet our workplace obligations and support our customers.
We have implemented various technology previous to this outbreak to allow us to run our business online most of the time. This includes the use of phone calls, emails, TeamViewer and remote access. In this instance, we’re confident that we can continue to do business and support you during this time, should your business need it.
Supporting Our Customers
Over 60% of our customers are involved in some form of manufacturing, which is sorely needed right now. From nurseries producing plants for Bunnings, to medical suppliers making equipment in the health sector, and everything else in between. With the surge in shoppers buying retails products and other businesses needing supplies from the manufacturers we support, closing our offices could create additional issues on multiple levels.
We remain committed to our support of our customers and their businesses throughout this unprecedented event. We’re here for as long as our employees remain healthy and the Government deems it safe to do so. We will follow all official advice on any lock-downs or other workplace requirements. To sum up, it’s business almost as usual for us as we endeavour to help you continue to run yours.
Here at Accentis, and on behalf of our employees, we want to extend our thoughts and support for you and yours, both employees and families, through these business challenges. Remain alert for issues, practice health guidance and be safe in everything that you do, as always.
We’re available at any time to help with issues you may have, so feel free to send us an email to [email protected].
More Information On COVID-19
Helpful links:
- https://www.australia.gov.au/
- https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert

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