Get Accentis Enterprise through grant funding today!

Australian Business Grants

Entrepreneurs’ Programme

Have you heard of the Entrepreneurs’ Programme?

Have you considered applying for a Government Grant and wondered who is best to speak with?

Take a look at how these 3 businesses have been successful by participating in the Entrepreneurs’ Programme.

The Entrepreneurs’ Programme Accelerating Commercialisation Grants help Australian entrepreneurs, researchers and small and medium businesses find commercialisation solutions.

Accelerating Commercialisation aims to:

  • Accelerate the commercialisation of novel intellectual property in the form of new products, processes and services;
  • Support new businesses based on novel intellectual property with high growth potential; and
  • Generate greater commercial and economic returns from both public and private sector research and facilitate investment to drive business growth and competitiveness

For more information about how to apply for the Entrepreneurs’ Programme go to

Supply Chain Facilitation

This grant provides businesses with independant advice on a supplier improvement plan to strengthen opportunities, improvements and linkages within an identified supply chain opportunity.

To be able to apply, you must as a minimum:

  • be a company, incorporated in Australia (or an incorporated trustee applying on behalf of a trust)
  • have an annual turnover or operating expenditure within the current or previous two financial years between $1.5 million ($750,000 for remote Australia and northern Australia) and $100 million
  • There are other eligibility requirements you will need to meet in order to obtain this grant

You will get a business advisor that will:

  • Identify your skills and gaps within your business
  • Assess the gaps and how manage them for your customers
  • A custom supplier improvement plan
  • Mentor you with improvements for up to 1 year

For more information about how to apply for other grants, go to

Queensland Business Grants

Business Growth Fund

The Business Growth Fund is now open for applications. Assessment dates are within September 2019 and again in February 2020.

Funding of up to $50,000 (excluding GST) may be provided for eligible business to purchase and implement highly specialised equipment or services to enable them to move to the next stage of growth. Accentis Enterprise could be considered a service to help improve your business management requirements.

To be able to use this grant you must co-contribute between 25% – 50% of the funding required, with the Government contribution assessed by a panel.

Eligibility requirements for this grant are extensive and we can help to support you through this process.

Jobs and Regional Growth Fund

The Jobs and Regional Growth Fund is for the growth of employment in regional areas outside South East Queensland, however high unemployment areas within may be considered.

Funding is available from $100,000 to $10 million for successful applicants. This funding is to help the growth and employment of regional areas.

Business Growth Grants

These Business Growth Grants are available for businesses up to $20,000 ex GST and require the business to adhere to some specific conditions.

At a minimum, you must:

  • have received a completed plan from an Entrepreneurs’ Programme Business Management advice or facilitation service
  • have not previously received a business growth grant to implement recommendations from the plan under which you are applying