CRM or CMS Software
We’ve mentioned in a previous article about how to harness the power of CRM software. We’ve also talked about why the customer isn’t always right, but that’s OK too!
Accentis Enterprise contains features that help you improve business relationships. Thorough use of Customer Relationship Management software puts you in a better position.
What we continue to push is the use of CRM or CMS software within your business as priority. Without it, in today’s modern world, you’re cutting yourself off from the future.
Managing your customer data is not difficult, it’s a habit that you need to get into using. And of course, you want to get it right the first time.
When you’re looking at implementing a CMS or CRM solution, it can be overwhelming. It’s easy to feel out of your depth and that it’s too hard to continue with.
Don’t make that mistake!
Do I Need Customer Management Software
The best way to get into it and take advantage is to break it down into manageable chunks. The first step is simple; Ask yourself some questions on what you want from a CRM in the first place.
Without knowing why you want to manage customers, or why you should, your data collection will be a waste.
We’re going to ask you some questions below that you need to answer. We’re also going to explain why it’s important to ask yourself the question in the first place. And we’ll explain what the benefits are of knowing the answer to the question.
There are many benefits to using CMS software in your business, and not every business will use it in the same way.
New and Existing Customer Databases?
Before you start adding customers at random, you need to decide on the database you want to use. It’s important to get this right so that your database doesn’t become a convoluted mess.
Hopefully, the CRM system has an unlimited capacity to store customer records. Accentis Enterprise has a multitude of unlimited field records, building your database up.
But it can get out of hand if you don’t have a plan. Before jumping right in, decide on the type of database you want.
In Accentis Enterprise you can configure permissions for select employees. This will stop data entry that is not needed, and keep the database manageable.
At the end of the day, you’re probably looking into CRM because you have a need for it with your current database.
What CRM Data?
Now is also the time to decide on what data should enter into the database. Are you going to record a lot of custom fields on obscure points, or use a simpler approach?
Whatever you decide to do, you need to stick to it and be consistent. There’s nothing wrong with starting out only recording a small amount of data as you learn the system. When you’re familiar with the functionality of Accentis Enterprise, you can increase this. As you learn more about the power of the software, you can start to improve your data collection process.
The data entered needs to be correct because it’s what you’ll be using to make decisions on how to sell your product. You need to be able to interpret the data and use it to its full potential.
If you’re just collecting data for the sake of it, there’s no point in even using CRM or CMS systems.
Collecting Customer Information
In the last few years, data collection on customers has really ramped up. That’s due to the power that it can yield for the business.
Pretty much everyone has received a marketing email they didn’t sign up for. For the most part, people are more cautious with their data and privacy than ever before.
Collect as much data as you need to so you can run your business well, but not too much. When you start asking too many questions, customers can become suspicious.
As you build a relationship with your customers, this knowledge will come. Don’t try to collect too much information in one go, you risk pushing the customer away.
Not every little detail needs recording in your CMS or CRM at this stage, so don’t stress about it. This sort of data gathering can be filled in at other times, just get what you need from them to do your business.
Things like name, phone, email and ABN are all standard questions from a business. However, asking them what their pet dog eats for dinner is not.
Also, remember that there are privacy data laws around collection, storage and access. In Australia you can find information about it here. Check with a legal representative in your area for the best advice.
Using Customer Information
What can you do with all the information you have collected on your customers? It really depends on what you need to do.
If you’ve had a product recall or there is a fault in a product that might cause a warranty issue, contact them. You can run a report and, if you have saved the details of the customers who purchased that product, inform them.
Being proactive in these situations can help to build trust. It can also help to save you money by improving warranty and repair turnarounds.
You can also use CRM information for identifying trends in customer behaviour. You might learn that different products sell in a particular locale at a certain time of the year.
With Accentis Enterprise, you can get custom reports for your data. This means you can extract the information from your CMS on the points that are vital to your business.
Canned business reports are only so good at identifying the information you need. With custom reports, you can be at the forefront of your business’s success.
Using a CRM or CMS system for your business will mean nothing if you don’t respect your customers. It’s a tool to help you learn more about them to improve your business services.
Learning from the results and applying them to your customer needs improves sales. It’s not rocket-science, it’s just good old-fashioned hard work.
And consistency.
By being consistent with your data entry, keeping it up to date and using the data, you will succeed. You don’t know what you don’t know, until you start saving the data and using it.
If your business needs a new CRM solution, you need Accentis Enterprise ERP. It’s a total business management solution that helps you improve your business.
Customer records throughout the program make running your business more efficient. The data is shared to those who need to use it in an instant. This creates a better workflow and minimises the software requirements of the business.
Get a CRM and CMS solution with a difference and start moving your business in the right direction. Contact us to find out more or you can download a brochure here.

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