Features to Look for in CRM Software

What is CRM software? CRM software is the abbreviation of the business term Customer Relationship Management software.  What was once the domain of address books full of contacts is now a complete suite of features to help give you insights on your customers. It’s...

Job Cost Accounting Software

What is Job Cost Accounting Software? Job Cost Accounting software helps you to better estimate and account for all aspects of a job. A job can be a future construction project, a manufactured product or on-going work in many fields. It’s a software application...

CMS or CRM Customer Software

CRM or CMS Software We’ve mentioned in a previous article about how to harness the power of CRM software. We’ve also talked about why the customer isn’t always right, but that’s OK too! Accentis Enterprise contains features that help you...

The Customer Is Not Always Right

The Customer Is Always Right… If you work in any sort of industry where you interact with customers, you’ve most likely heard that idiom. It’s been drilled into service industry workers for as long as there have been customers. Forever! It’s a...

Harness the Power of CRM Software

Power of CRM Software The power of CRM software is in the records that it keeps. It’s easy to think that CRM software helps your business make more money. I mean, that’s why we’re in the game isn’t it? But think about this: CRM means Customer Relationship Management....

MRP System Software for Manufacturers

In this article… Manufacturers What is MRP Software? Why Does Your Manufacturing Business Need an MRP? Manufacturing Industries Assembly Line Processes Bill of Materials (BoM) Certification and Accreditation Experts in Manufacturing Manufacturers The...