Customer Management, Sales and CRM Software
Build business relationships with your customers through sales tracking and support monitoring
Enterprise CRM Software
Our small to medium-sized enterprise CRM (Customer Relationship Management) module is fully-integrated into Accentis Enterprise ERP.
It gives you the flexibility to manage customer sales with ease. Essential for any growing business, building a relationship with your customer is an effective way of maintaining growth and sustaining profit margin. Increased visibility on customer transactions provides invaluable sales data for future marketing.
Utilise Accentis Enterprise with powerful CRM for every step in your sales funnel. You can improve and validate customers in a more efficient manner. We have an extensive number of options that can be customised to suit your business. Powerful data storage means unlimited data entry capabilities, so your business is in good hands.

Customer Management System (CMS)
Accentis Enterprise has a powerful database structure to help you develop and manage your customer accounts. A Complete control over your sales process from quotation through to sales and warranty or repair. On-going customer management system using efficient recording of notes and tasks, all to be delegated for follow-up.
Use an enhanced record management facility with a real-time validation regime to constantly monitor customer credit status. Managing your customers has never been easier with our quoting, ordering and invoicing solution. Built in support for quantity-based pricing, rebates, settlement discounts and more. Pay attention to detail with progress claims and manage customer retention for true sales pricing flexibility.
Customer Management Software
A customer management system for B2B operators who need a solution that’s fully-integrated with their financial, accounting, payroll, time and attendance and more. Your customers can quickly re-order a previously purchased product simply by opening their record. An unlimited number of electronic records saved to the customer account minimises administration headaches.
Print or email invoices and statements in the customer history from as far back as needed. For manufacturing, project and service or repair businesses, this is an incredible time saver. Additional B2B features include won/lost reports, hire, ad campaigns, point of sale, barcodes, warnings and validations during the sales process and more.

Customer Sales CRM
Real-time integration into inventory, job costing and the general ledger ensures the results of all sales processes are immediately visible to other modules. This enables firm relationship and sales information can be administered by more than a single staff member.
Extraordinary reporting capabilities allow you to perform current or unlimited historical sales analysis over any combination of data records you choose. With scores of customisable reports available, you can keep your finger on the pulse at all times to ensure stability.
Unlimited date-stamped memos for every customer allows you to record any event, transaction or comment against the customer for future reference including reasons for late payment, details of phone calls or correspondence, reasons why a customer was placed on stop credit and more. When staff members resign or retire, you will have a greater assurance that customer relationship information will remain with you for future hires.
Customer Invoicing System
An unlimited number of sales contacts may be created and linked to one or more customers or prospects. When prospects are converted to customers, all contact linking is retained. This allows for complete relationship transparency and additional reporting capabilities.
Document linking is supported throughout. Any document on your system can be linked to one or more customers and then quickly viewed or printed as required, including credit applications and directors’ guarantees, contracts & agreements or even email correspondence.
Advanced system messages can warn and alert users whenever certain operations are performed for specified customers. For example, upon a sales order for a particular customer you could warn sales staff not to negotiate on price, or store staff can be alerted when picking stock that a customer requires all goods to be double-wrapped in bubble-wrap.

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Customer Management System (CMS) & CRM Features

Recurring invoices

Sales invoice and credits

Hire on and Hire off

Advertising campaigns

Automated invoice allocation on receipts

Unlimited number of years of historical data

Sales Quote Won/Lost status

Invoices/statements reprinted at any time

User-definable customer types

Receipting and depositing

Sales order, enquiry and quotation

Unlimited delivery and invoice addresses

Comprehensive pricing, discounting & rebates

Freight company management (unlimited)

Customer and prospects management (unlimited)

Customers assigned a preferred output method

Multiple and partial dispatches

Deliveries, returns, repairs and RGA’s

Point of sale and bar coding


Warnings/validation throughout the sales process
Who Use
Accentis Enterprise
Our customers push us to deliver powerful features and advanced functionality that are used by the people who need them.
By delivering on our promises, we’ll improve your efficiency, streamline your processes and help your business grow to the next level and beyond.