Do you have a smartwatch or other device that counts the steps you have taken each day? How good does it feel when you reach your goal? In everyday life there are steps to take to do everything. From making the bed to driving to work, each little step can be broken down into many other little tasks that need to be done. Just think about making the bed, it’s a simple 3 word job that we all do, or probably should do. But to do that job properly, there’s a lot of smaller jobs that need to be done before the bed is actually made.

  1. Get out of bed
  2. Stand there half asleep for a bit
  3. Pull up the sheets
  4. Tidy the covers
  5. Adjust the pillows
  6. Contemplate getting back into bed.

Each step in the process is component of the job that needs to be done for the bed to be made properly. You can’t make the bed with someone still in it, and apart from step 6, you need to perform all the other steps before the job is done properly. It’s the same at work, no matter job you do. Your day is filled with a whole load of jobs and processes, each one that can be broken down into smaller steps to make sure it gets done properly. Now making the bed, you can probably get away with not making it properly and just pulling up the covers and adjusting the pillows, it’s not a big deal to you when you go to get back in it later at night. But at work, you can’t skip those steps that are there to ensure your job is done correctly.

Why do I need to record each step in the process?

A simple answer might be, because you have to. But a more detailed answer would be, because if you don’t complete each step correctly, the company could lose money on a product that was manufactured incorrectly, or died because it wasn’t watered on time, or turned out the wrong colour because no one noticed the step had changed. As a manager, you want to know where the issue happened, and what procedures were not followed. In some jobs, performing the steps correctly can be a safety issue, either in a factory with large metal presses, or from the end product and the consumer being exposed to something dangerous. This can make the company liable in many ways and is not something any business wants to do. Accentis Enterprise provides the ability to record each step in the process, with additional data to allow improvements and report-ability.

Until you actually sit down and work out the number of steps for each process, and the order they are in and how long they take, you don’t really know everything you need to. As soon as you do this, you can easily see where improvements can be made, making the production of an item more efficient, or saving staff wages to give them time to work on something else. You are easily able to see where a fault occurred, and pinpoint what happened, allowing you to fix it up and minimise any on-going issues, or saving product waste. Knowing the steps to take for any particular task can help to forecast budgets for staff and give more accurate delivery times to customers. It helps to improve staff training as each step is broken down and they can learn in smaller blocks, allowing them to increase their skill level for a higher position. If something does go wrong and it causes an injury or requires a health report, you can easily look at which step failed and how to improve. Each process, no matter how many steps, can continue to be improved on as technologies change and skill levels increase. When you use Accentis, you can run a report and show accountability for each process. This could lead to additional sales based on efficiency, or accreditation of products to meet specific standards for your industry. It doesn’t matter how large the process is, Accentis can handle it every step of the way.

So, your smart watch has pinged and congratulated you on the 10,000 step goal you achieved today and I bet you feel great. How about the goals in your business, do you have the tools to record and report in the same way? Contact us to find out more!