Features to Look for in CRM Software

What is CRM software? CRM software is the abbreviation of the business term Customer Relationship Management software.  What was once the domain of address books full of contacts is now a complete suite of features to help give you insights on your customers. It’s...

Accentis and COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

A Message To Our Network Accentis would like to extend our deepest thoughts to everyone affected by COVID-19. Our customer network covers many different industries and businesses throughout the world. Due to this Coronavirus, many of our customers have been impacted...

Weighing up the Pros and Cons of ERP Software

Pros and Cons Help With Decision Making There are pros and cons that need weighing up to help make life decisions on almost everything. Business purchases are no different, and sometimes more important. If you need new stationary, that’s a pretty quick decision...

7 Business Changes That Can Add Real Value

What are some business changes that you can make to help you add real value in areas that need it? Value-adding to your business can bring so many benefits. And not only to help your business grow, but also for your employees as well! The 7 changes we’ll talk about...