Business, ERP, Informative
Accentis Enterprise Software Running a business can be hard, especially with mediocre enterprise software. There’s so much you need to organise from the get-go. Suppliers, employees, equipment, environment, training and more. All while trying to attract...
ERP, Informative, Inventory
Stock Control System or Sales Profits? Sales in any business are great! But a good stock control system will affect both sales and purchases. It’s always good to have a great sales team, but it’s always supported by a strong inventory solution. This...
Business, Inventory, Manufacturing
Inventory and Stock Control What’s the real truth about Inventory and Stock Control? Inventory is a list or lists of items relating to a business. Stock Control is the process of managing the inventory for us. Many small to medium-sized businesses in Australia...
Business, Informative, Miscellaneous
Who doesn’t love bacon? A lot of people actually, but they’re wrong… Business owners though, aren’t wrong about taking shortcuts. They just shouldn’t happen. Once your business is on a roll and you’re busy, you hire extra staff to perform...