It’s been a big year for Accentis in 2018. We hope that it has been enjoyable and positive for your business also.
As we move into 2019, we look back at some of our best blog posts. If you haven’t taken the time to read them yet, we invite you to do so now. Some of the articles below will be updated throughout the year with better information, so if you have something to contribute to it, let us know!
Accentis 2018 Blog Statistics
Total number of blog posts for 2018: 102
Total number of blog posts that have been read: 6493
Most popular blog post for 2018: Single Touch Payroll and You: The Definitive Guide (We’ll be updating this post in February 2019 for all new STP customers!)
Blog post people spend the most time reading: Why Supply Chain Management is Essential for Business Growth
Blog post that only 1 person read: 5 Reasons Business Accounting Should Begin with Understanding
Top 5 performing blog posts for 2018:
- Single Touch Payroll and You: The Definitive Guide
- Are Your Tax Scales Up-to-date?
- How to Know When Your Business Becomes an Enterprise
- Harness the Power of CRM Software for Your Business
- Accentis Expo-sed (We’re sure the popularity of this post had something to do with the puns. Look out for us attending the show again this year!)
Worst 5 performing blog posts for 2018:
- 5 Reasons Business Accounting Should Begin with Understanding
- How to Keep Your Employees Happy at Work
- The Customer is Always Right, Sometimes
- 3 Steps That Will Restore Your Business and Sanity
- Shortcuts: Great for Bacon, not so Great for Record Keeping
2019 Blog Schedule
In 2019, we have already started mapping out what we’ll share with you. If you have ideas or want to read about something specifically, let us know. The schedule may change as we move a topic to a different month, but it will be covered in the year at some stage.
In January, we’ll highlight the importance of business management software and ERP systems (it’s what we do!), so expect lots of information. If you have no idea what ERP stands for, there’s no need to wait. It means Enterprise Resource Planning — and don’t think your business is too small for it!
In February, we’ll be talking about all things business accounting. Think General Ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable and all the other topics that accountants and bookkeepers find so enjoyable. We promise to make it interesting! Accentis in 2018 tackled this somewhat, but we’ll be increasing our efforts this year.
For March, we’re going to delve into Customers, Sales, CRM and CMS. This is the month to pay attention if you want to learn how to attract customers, manage your customers and keep them. It’s much easier to keep a customer than it is to attract a new one, so we’ll help you out as best we can to do just that.
April is no joke and we won’t play you for fools! We’ll talk about Inventory Management and stock control systems and they work in warehouses. Expect to be inundated with facts and figures and all sorts of calculations that show you just how easy it is for your business to lose money because of inaccurate records.
May I? Yes, you May! For this month, our focus will be Time and Attendance. We’re planning some special blog posts with Aussie Time Sheets to showcase just how much time you can save by using their hardware with Accentis Enterprise. The time has come!
June is Payroll and HR month! With every business in Australia required regardless of size to use Single Touch Payroll software, we’re doubling down and getting stuck right in. You can also expect a few STP blogs to pop up in earlier months, so you’re as informed as you can be for these changes. Plus, we’ll talk about holidays and other leave events.
In July, we’re getting our hands dirty with Manufacturing, Fabrication, Assembly Production and how it all works with an MRP system. Learn how to take raw materials and account for them at every step of their journey from single products to profit-making solutions for your customers. We’re heavily involved with manufacturers in numerous industries the world over, so this promises to be a special month.
For August, we’re talking Fixed Assets and depreciation. We’ll answer some of your biggest questions about how it gets calculated, when you need to apply it and, most of all, why you need to do it. If you aren’t keeping track of your business assets, you need to start!
September is the month of Supply Chain Management — or SCM, if you like acronyms. We’ll discuss how you can configure your supply chain network for better logistics and how to maintain control of your product from acquisition through to arrival at your customers’ premises. Learn about EDI compatibility and more.
Heading towards the end of the year in October, we’ll highlight Job Costing and Project Management. This is a big topic using multiple modules in Accentis Enterprise to deliver an accurate cost of goods within your business. Job costing accounts not just for materials but for the time spent and labour required to manage a project. It’s going to open your eyes to what is possible with ERP.
The month of November will cover Reports and Business Intelligence. You will learn how you can use these to analyse your business and improve the bottom line. That’s not all, though. We’ll also talk about the custom reports we do for customers, which allow them to view their data however they need to. Data helps you get where you need to go, so it’s a great idea to learn what you can this month.
In December, we’ll wrap up the year by talking about the various Business and Industry types Accentis Enterprise is involved in — and some we’re not. We’ll show you how you can use Accentis as easily in a fish farm as you can in a mining company. Expect some eye-opening results when we show you why an ERP system is the answer to so many situations.
Our blog posts are designed to inform our customers, both present and future, of features and functionality they might not have considered for their business.
We’ll tackle relevant and informative topics that will give you some idea of what improvements your business can achieve by using a fully-integrated solution to avoid the headache of using multiple software products.
Thanks for being here with us in 2018. As we move forward to 2019, we’d like to take the time to thank you and wish you a safe and happy holiday season. See you in the new year!

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