What is a Timesheet Calculator?
A timesheet calculator lets you know how many hours employees have worked. It’s as simple as that, or is it?
You need to pay employees for time worked, and to do that you need to calculate their hours on a timesheet. This helps you to budget and pay your employees.
Timesheet calculators improve your business, ensuring employees get paid for hours they work. It helps to minimise mistakes about when they started or finished their jobs.
Many employers often suffer consequences from manual timesheet calculations. The main reason for this result? Simple mistakes.
Employees can make mistakes even with the best intentions of filling their timesheet. That’s how easy it is for a business to lose money from a single piece of paper, or a simple spreadsheet.
Without an accurate record, staff work hours will be incorrect, and you will pay the price. Even when you start using a software program, employees can find a way around the controls you put in place.
It’s important for the business that you remain vigilant.
Time Clock Software
Time and attendance contribute to one of the biggest business expenses you can have. This is a fact borne out time and again, both in the media and the courts.
How many times have you heard a news story about employees being underpaid. Granted, it’s not always due to the time clock software, but employers can use it for their benefit too.
Employers that use a manual system as a time clock solution are simply asking for trouble. How can a manual system or spreadsheet determine if the data entered is correct or not? Employees can and will manipulate the times in their favour.
Accentis Enterprise includes a fully-integrated time clock software module. It will share data with Payroll, HR, Job Costing, Accounts and more. More about that below.
As a business owner, it’s in your own best interests to ensure you are recording when employees start and end. Time clock software is not an Excel spreadsheet that you have designed. It’s barely more than a piece of paper, and you should have something more in place.
Time clock software allows you to be in control of the employee timesheets, and when they have access to it. Time clock software will give you peace of mind as soon as you start using it.
Timesheet Calculations Using Hardware
Bundy Clocks have been in use for years, because they kind of worked. Although, staff could still get someone else to punch in or out for them, rendering them kind of useless.
These days, you can track employee work times using biometrics or RFID technology. The data gets entered to the database in an instant and used by other operators if needed.
An example of this with Accentis Enterprise is the use of hardware by Aussie Timesheets. Our fully-compatible integration works seamlessly to share clock in / off data of employees. Now you don’t need to manually calculate timesheet entries.
Integrated Timesheet Calculations
Now is the time you should take advantage of an integrated ERP solution for your business.
Fully-utilise your timesheet data within many modules to give you unprecedented financial control. Increase your efficiency for budgeting employee hours and improve business forecasts.
Using time clock features on their own offer your business an incredible reporting interface. Providing an increase in data and availability of access will improve employee time management.
Share timesheet calculations with job costing, manufacturing and human resource management. This will give your business transparency and improve work life for your employees.
Any business that uses a timesheet calculator will save money with better controls. Employees will gain empowerment and work autonomously without the need for management intervention.
Timesheet calculator software will provide suitable access to employees for their roles. Accessibility to controlled work areas can ensure employees only work where they are permitted.
Correct time and attendance calculations help small to medium-sized businesses better manage employees. This delivers their product or service as a benefit of the business profits.
Have you asked yourself why your business needs a timesheet calculator?
They are much more than a simple time-keeping mechanism for employees. It can give your business more control over your budgets and improve management.
Again and again, business owners will use this information in many ways. A timesheet calculator will provide benefits as soon as it’s implemented.
Employees will have better working conditions because signing on / off their shift is painless. No more wasted time looking for a manager to approve a shift or timesheet.
Employers will gain a better understanding of where business roles need more human resources. An improvement overall of business procedures and processes are additional benefits.
What time management solution do you need to improve your business?

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